Special expert exam for land quality evaluation
In 2008 the first test of expertise (exam) was done for the candidates who wished to be authorised for cadastral land classification. We invite you to join the group of candidates who wish to be authorised for land quality evaluation. Also this year the Geodetic Institute of Slovenia will organise exams for land quality evaluation and courses as preparation for the exam.
Training contents:
1. Area of land quality evaluation:
- defining land quality according to the Rules on Establishing Land Rating,
- evaluation of the ground, climate, relief and special influences,
- calculations and completion of forms for land quality evaluation and for the graphic presentation of areas with the same quality rating,
- linking of data and procedures between land quality evaluation and other land records.
2. Area of registering data in real estate records (preparation of expert reports).
3. Administrative Procedure Act.
Application for the exam and training::
According to Article 5 of the Rules on Establishing Land Rating and the authorisation for land quality evaluation, the exam can be done by any person with at least professional higher education degree in agriculture or forestry and at least 5 years of work experience from the area of land administration, recording and evaluation. The exam consists of written and oral part. All candidates will be informed about the exam in due time.
Please send completed application forms with the necessary evidence of obtained expert education and the required work experience (if you have already passed the exam on Administrative Procedure Act, please include a photocopy of the adequate certificate) to:
- mail: Geodetic Institute of Slovenia, Educational Centre for Geomatics, Jamova cesta 2, 1000 Ljubljana
- facsimile: +386 (0)1 425 06 77 or
- e-mail: isg@gis.si
Priročnik za bonitiranje zemljišč
V letu 2011 smo za imetnike pooblastil za bonitiranje zemljišč začeli izvajati dodatna usposabljanja na terenu, s katerimi želimo dvigniti kakovost storitev na področju bonitiranja zemljišč. V ta namen smo izdali tudi Priročnik za bonitiranje zemljišč, ki je v strokovnih krogih nadomestil »rjavo knjižico«.
Naročila sprejemamo:
- preko spletnega obrazca
- po elektronski pošti: isg@gis.si
- po pošti: Geodetski inštitut Slovenije, Jamova cesta 2,
1000 Ljubljana
Cena priročnika: 18,60 € (z DDV).