In the GNSS Service, active within the national land survey service at the Geodetic Institute of Slovenia:
- technical functioning of the SIGNAL network is maintained and developed,
- analyses of GNSS station locations and real-time analyses of the quality of monitoring are performed,
- real-time data flow transmission to users and contractual distributers is provided,
- data in the RINEX format are distributed and the archives of these data are maintained,
- support is offered to network users and other users of the GNSS technology.
The SIGNAL Network
Since the first station of the national network of permanent GNSS stations was set up in Ljubljana in 2000 and until today, when the SIGNAL network consists of 15 stations, our role related to the realisation of the basic geodetic system has always been active. We cooperated with The Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia in the planning and establishment of the network, which is the only permanently active realisation of the coordinate system in the Slovene territory. Its basic goal is first of all practical implementation of the European coordinate system ETRS89.
The current SIGNAL network is used mainly by surveying companies for terrain surveying within geodetic works from the areas of land cadastre and engineering geodesy. In the light of the growing interest for different location services the network data can also be usefully employed by GIS users in the widest sense.