The Institute was founded on the 14th December 1953 as an independent research institute of the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering within the Technical Higher Education School in Ljubljana. The initiator of its foundation was Prof. Ivan Čuček, who was also its first director. The first few years of the then Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry (IGF) were marked by lack of equipment and insufficient human resources from the pool of Slovene geodesy.
Apart from performing demanding geodetic works, the Institute also developed numerous original solutions for precise mechanical geodetic instruments, which demonstrates vast practical knowledge and ingenuity of its personnel. In this time levels, a redresser, a photocopier and a photopantograph were designed. Numerous new technologies were introduced, mainly in the area of photogrammetry.
1960 – 1970
Between 1960 and 1970 the Institute expanded its knowledge and improved the precision of measurements (measurements of object settlements using new methods and equipment, the first international assignments – mine surveys in Algeria, etc.). The most important step forward was made in the area of cartography: as the first institution in Slovenia and the first civil institution in former Yugoslavia, the Institute introduced modern methods of map production, which made it the pioneer of institutional cartography intended to the widest circle of users.
In 1963, by order of Automobile Association, the first road map of the former Yugoslavia was made. This opened a new area of map production reaching beyond the narrow line of profession. Then followed the map of Julian Alps and the town map of Maribor. It was also the time when the official small scale general maps of Slovenia were designed, with thematic presentations intended to foresters and planners.
1980 – 1990
Between 1980 and 1990 the Institute performed numerous basic and applied research tasks. In 1983 automated cartography was first introduced, which set out once again a new development direction. In the beginning of 1980s the Institute employed the largest number of people, about 70. They prepared standardisation in cartography and cooperated in the development of the databases of the land surveying service. At a very early stage the importance of information technology was recognised, by stimulating the development of spatial informatics and geocoding.
As early as in 1984 the experts from the Institute produced a computer atlas of the municipality of Sežana, the first such product in former Yugoslavia. Later on they cooperated in the design of applications for digital relief model (DRM), register of basic territorial units and records of house numbers. The first integral geographic information system (GIS) in former Yugoslavia was set up, including: land cadastre, topography, 3D model of the terrain and 3D model of buildings in the town Cavtat.
1990 – 2000
After 1990 the extremely rapid development of information technology brought about first of all changed working conditions. At the same time, the Institute was faced with generation renewal. It stepped on the path of intensive education and recruitment of talented young people with expert ambitions. The average level of education per employee increased significantly.
With several years of planned development and operational work in the areas of cartography, photogrammetry, geodesy and real estate or wider geomatics, the Institute also won international recognition and several awards from the areas of photogrammetry (3D models), hydrography and cartography awarded by national and international associations.
2000 – 2010
Following the changes and new needs that emerged in this part of Europe, based on the Land Survey Service Act (Official Journal 8/2000) and the decision of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia (Official Journal 84/2000), on 7th October 2000 the Institute transformed into Geodetic Institute of Slovenia. The Geodetic Institute of Slovenia is the legal successor of the Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry and is entered in the court register of the District Court in Ljubljana. The founder of the Institute is Republic of Slovenia and the founder’s rights and duties are exercised by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. The Institute is a legal person governed by public law with rights, obligations and duties laid down by law and the above mentioned decision on its transformation. Supervision of the Institute’s work is within the competence of the Central Office of the National Land Survey Service. The Geodetic Institute of Slovenia performs as public service the development and expert technical tasks of the national survey service in the areas of the basic geodetic system, national topographic and cartographic databases and real estate databases,
construction designs from the area of the basic geodetic system, cartography and real estate registration and from the area of R&D activity, according to the Institute’s work programme, which is part of the annual plan of the National Land Survey Service.The Institute performs its activities for the market against payment, e.g. for municipalities and other contracting authorities, as defined by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia with the adoption of the annual work programme of the National Land Survey Service. The Institute has managed or cooperated in various tasks, such as real estate registration, transfer to new coordinate system, elaboration of topographic map in the scale of 1 : 50,000, nautical charts and in other tasks. Throughout these years the personnel of the Institute have been dedicated to the transfer of knowledge and experiences to different groups of users and to the popularisation of the profession by counselling, offering trainings as well as organising and implementing trainings and qualifications within the Education Centre for Geomatics (ISG).
2010 …
Zaradi sprememb in nastalih novih potreb v našem prostoru, se je Inštitut, na osnovi Zakona o geodetski dejavnosti (U.l. 8/2000) ter sklepa Vlade Republike Slovenije (U.l. 84/2000), dne 7. oktobra 2000 statusno preoblikoval v Geodetski inštitut Slovenije. Geodetski inštitut Slovenije je pravni naslednik Inštituta za geodezijo in fotogrametrijo in je vpisan v sodni register pri okrožnem sodišču v Ljubljani. Ustanovitelj inštituta je Republika Slovenija, ustanoviteljske pravice in dolžnosti pa izvršuje Vlada Republike Slovenije. Inštitut je pravna oseba javnega prava s pravicami, obveznostmi in odgovornostmi, ki jih določata zakon in omenjeni sklep o preoblikovanju. Nadzor nad delom inštituta je v pristojnosti Glavnega urada Geodetske uprave Republike Slovenije.
Geodetski inštitut Slovenije izvaja kot javno službo razvojne in strokovno-tehnične naloge državne geodetske službe na področju osnovnega geodetskega sistema,
državnih topografskih in kartografskih baz podatkov ter baz podatkov o nepremičninah, izvedbenih projektov s področja osnovnega geodetskega sistema, kartografije in evidentiranja nepremičnin ter na področju razvojno-raziskovalne dejavnosti, v skladu s programom dela inštituta, ki je sestavni del letnega programa dela državne geodetske službe. Inštitut opravlja dejavnost za trg proti plačilu za občine in druge naročnike v obsegu, ki ga določi Vlada Republike Slovenije ob sprejemu letnega programa dela državne geodetske službe.
Inštitut je vodil in sodeloval oziroma vodi in sodeluje v različnih nalogah kot so popis nepremičnin, prehod na nov koordinatni sistem, izdelava topografske karte v merilu 1 : 50.000, pomorskih kart in v drugih nalogah. Ves čas zaposleni na Inštitutu skrbimo za prenos znanja in izkušenj na različne skupine uporabnikov ter skrbimo za popularizacijo stroke v obliki svetovanj, pedagoških procesov ter organizacije in izvedbe izpopolnjevanj in usposabljanj v okviru Izobraževalnega središča za geomatiko (ISG).