At the Geodetic Institute of Slovenia, we are aware that sustainable spatial management needs to be based on legally backed data which enable different stakeholders to make decisions that facilitate focused, harmonized and rational use of space. Credible data also plays an important role in spatial and urban planning, implementation of land policies and real estate valuation.
In cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning and Surveying and Mapping Authority of Republic of Slovenia we are actively involved in projects, providing the guidelines for developmental and technical implementation in the field of systemic spatial planning solutions. Our focus is on managing and improving spatial data to optimize urban planning on all levels; municipal, regional, national and cross-border.
At Geodetic Institute of Slovenia we:
- provide professional and technical support for the implementation of the eProstor project program,
- perform spatial data analyses,
- develop guidelines and methodology for spatial data implementation and its contents,
- provide support in informing the general and professional public about the latest trends in the field of spatial planning,
- coordinate data with the purposes of interoperability, interchangeability and connectivity, focusing on connecting ownership data with topographic databases,
- enable e-commerce and access to open spatial data for state, regional and local government, entrepreneurs and citizens,
- monitor changes in urban space,
- provide organizational and content support for mass data collection and quality control.
The Building Land Register is intended to serve as a multi-purpose database containing data on built-up land and vacant building land and providing information on development stages and other features of building plots.
For the purpose of establishing the Building Land Register, we are preparing a proposal containing data on built-up land and its actual use. Our work involves developing the methodology for data collection, monitoring and quality control.
The key aspect for successful implementation and maintenance of a comprehensive spatial planning system is establishing the parameters of a building plot and connect them with the data in the land cadastre. As the cornerstone of urban space, a building plot represents a piece of land compliant with its regular use. The Spatial Planning Act (Official Gazette RS, No. 61/17) stipulates that building plot parameters must be defined for every new building. At the Geodetic Institute of Slovenia, we participate in the preparation of guidelines which will serve as the basis for defining a building plot in all building permit issuing procedures.
The building permit issuing procedure will be managed electronically, in the eGraditev system, where competent authorities will provide their expert opinion. At the Geodetic Institute of Slovenia, in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, we are currently compiling data on local and national competent authorities and their areas of jurisdiction in the Database of Jurisdiction of competent authorities. We are developing a concept that will enable us to connect different databases with the existing information systems.
In the field of spatial planning at the municipal level, we are taking part in the development of the methodology for the implementation of a technical update of intended land use and the preparation of a test example of the graphic part of the municipal spatial plan.
In the field of spatial planning at the national level, we contribute by aligning the territories defined in national spatial planning acts and developing the methodology for verifying the implementation of national spatial planning documents.
We are also involved in maritime spatial planning, focusing on establishing cartographic and informational databases for the maritime spatial plan and providing the information on the condition of the Slovenian part of the Adriatic Sea and coastline.
By monitoring the state of spatial development and the use of indicators, we are able to establish the current state and predict the trends in urban space development, achieve the goals of spatial policy and evaluate the impact of other policies on spatial development.

At the Geodetic Institute of Slovenia, we are developing an unified system for monitoring changes in urban areas in regard to spatial planning, construction, real estate records and inspection control.