Work packages and activities
The project will be divided into 5 work packages:
Work Package 1: Analysis of the SIGNAL and the zero order CGN (combined geodetic network)
- Activity 1.1: SIGNAL network: Analysis of current quality control, analysis of known operational problems and analysis of current troubleshooting process
- Activity 1.2: The zero-order CGN: Analysis of current quality control, analysis of known operational problems and analysis of current troubleshooting process
- Activity 1.3: Quality control, troubleshooting processes and user problems in other similar GNSS networks – good practice examples
Work Package 2: Creating a methodology for updating the quality control of the operation of the SIGNAL and the zero order CGN networks and updating the troubleshooting procedures in the SIGNAL network and the zero order CGN
- Activity 2.1: SIGNAL network: Proposals for updating current quality control and troubleshooting processes for operational problems
- Activity 2.2: SIGNAL network: Proposals for updating current troubleshooting process for individual users’ problems
- Activity 2.3: SIGNAL network: Proposals for updating current troubleshooting process for individual users’ problems that are not specifically related to SIGNAL network
- Activity 2.1: The zero-order CGN: Proposals for updating current quality control and troubleshooting processes for operational problems
Work Package 3: Testing the proposed methodology for quality control of the SIGNAL network and the zero order CGN as well as identifying and troubleshooting the SIGNAL network and the zero order CGN
- Activity 3.1: Definition of testing procedures and evaluating criteria for obtained results for each proposed solution
- Activity 3.2: Test environment setup and preparation of sample datasets
- Activity 3.3: Testing the proposed methodology
- Activity 3.4: Evaluation of obtained results and proposals for possible improvements
Work Package 4: Proposal for the implementation of the proposed methodology
- Activity 4.1: Proposal for the implementation of tested methodology in SIGNAL network and the zero order CGN.
- Activity 4.2: Proposal for the implementation of preventive measures to prevent the erroneous use of SIGNAL network
Work Package 5: Dissemination of project results
- Activity 5.1: Dissemination at national level
- Activity 5.2: Dissemination for professionals